The Ancient library of Alexandria located in the Egyptian port city founded by Alexander the Great purportedly contained all the knowledge of the ancient world. Many rumors, speculations and written testimony from the era suggest is was burned by Julius Cesar. A Roman navel battle in the port near the city center may have resulted in a fire that consumed the world renowned seat of all that had ever been written on a scroll. The Library contained as many as 700,000 scrolls at the time of its demise.
The Ancient Piri Reis Map drawn on a Gazelle skin in 1513 may have had its origins within the great halls of the Library of Alexander. Piri Reis was a great Turkish Admiral who lived in the 1500's and had a great passion for the art of cartography. As an Admiral he would have depended on maps fo
r his very survival at sea. His high rank would have permitted him access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople. It was in the Imperial Library that he created the map using data from many source maps which he located there. Today the map is regarded as an "OOPART". An Out Of Place Artifact is an object or text that is conspicuously out of place in time. The Piri Reis map shows the incredibly detailed coasts of Africa, South America and Antarctica . Cristobal Colombo only discovered the Caribbean Islands a few years before this map surfaced. The source material used to make the Piri Reis Map was most likely moved by the Romans from Alexandria to Constantinople circa 50 b.c. which makes the data contained in the Piri Reis Map even more astonishing. Antarctica was discovered by Captain James Cook in 1773 over 250 years after the Piri Reis Map was created, not to mention the fine detail of the South American coastline. However, the most profound feature of the map is the drawings of mountains and rivers that now exist under a mile of ice. Modern geological seismic data confirm the maps accuracy. The last possible date that Antarctica could have been charted ice free would have been 10,000-13,000 years ago. Many Scientist believe the Artic ice shelf is millions of years old. The Piri Reis map was evaluated by the U.S. Navy in 1953. The Navy was astonished by the map and used it to make changes to there present day maps. It was determined that the map had been drawn using a method called spherical trigonometry. A process invented in the 1800's that allows data on the surface of a sphere to be transposed accurately onto a flat two dimensional surface. The Navy reversed the process and projected the Piri Reis map onto a sphere
and found the map was accurate to within 50 miles of the true circumference of the Earth. The many experts who have studied the map have all concluded that it rivals aerial photography in its detail and that the mathematics's required to generate the details in the map are very advanced. When the Piri Reis map is compared with other maps of the same era and even maps made 100 years later it is easy to see how crude and lacking in detail they are. How could this artifact of advanced technology been created so long ago? How was the cartographer able to see features that were a mile under the Artic ice? Was this mapping data left over from the pre-flood world? In the Atlantium Continuum the answer is "YES". Dozens of ancient cultures around the World refer to an Atlantean Era when a technological Race ruled the Earth. These advanced people would have easily used aerial platforms to survey the planet and generate highly accurate maps. Various remnants of these maps may have survived a Global cataclysm, eventually ending up in the Great Library of Alexandria. ATLANTIUM. Roc Hatfield/Author

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