The ancient Aborigines the oldest know race of humans on the planet tell of a state of reality known as "Dreamtime". They believe our world was created by spirit beings in an earlier age called Dreamtime. This age began at the dawn of time and continues even until today. Aborigines have always believed that there are two realities, one is the world around us and the other is Dreamtime. In their detailed myths these spirit beings came to earth in s
hinning boats, flying canoes that sailed high above the water. Wanjina came down from the sky and lived on the land and when they became tired they returned to their abode in sky clouds. In the many caves around Ayres Rock the Aborigines have left portraits of how the Wanjina appeared to them over 18,000 years ago.

Much more recently the Egyptians carved a panel in the Step Pyramid at Saqqara that prominently features a man sized creature with large almond shaped eyes. The "Mothman of Saqqara" is an insect looking being that would be very menacing in appearance if seen in person. The creature was placed in among a group of humans working on the Pyramids and could have potentially been instructing them. The Egyptian creature is named after the Mothman legend of Clendenin, West Virgina. Members of this sleepy town discovered a bazaar creature living in an abandoned TNT factory near town. It was described as a human sized moth like being with large reflective eyes that could fly. The town suffered from the collapse of its Silver Bridge leaving 46 dead the week before Christmas in 1966. Many still until today believe that the Moth
man was there to warn residents or observe the Bridge collapse tragedy. After the tragedy the Mothman was never seen again. The 8000 year old rock drawings at Val Comonica Italy depict two ancient human like beings floating as if weightless and dressed in what today could be described as spacesuits. The beings are holding instruments of some sort and wearing helmets made of a clear glass
bubble. A cave drawing made by early man in Africa revels a humanoid creature clearly wearing a protective suit and helmet. Flying discs are swirling above his head. The discs are drawn from the side and from below. In Japan as many as 15,000 Dogu figurines have been found throughout the island. These highly intricate clay figurines range in age from 10,000 to 2500 years old. Very little is known about the Dogu figurines. Researches believe that the Dogu were fertility gods or religious icons. However the figurines are amazingly similar to many of the other ancient images found throughout the world. The figurines are also called "divers". In the years after deep diving suits were invented observers noticed how closely the outfits resembled diving gear. This was long before the advent of space flight and spacesuits. Today's deep diving suits feature claw like hands for workers to manipulate objects from inside their pressurized suits. Many of the Dogu figures have claw like hands extending from their arms. The Dogu could be 3D representations of the Aborigines' Wanjina. The Dogu and Wanjina both share many of the same features. Large goggl
e like eyes, a small vent like nose and an oversized suit. The observation suggests that the Dogu were dressed in a manner that protected them from the earths' environment. The fact that so many of the figurines have been found indicates that the primitive peoples of Japan were very aware and respectful of the Dogu. Could ancient man have actually seen and interacted with all of these nightmarish creatures subsequently creating elaborate mythologies around the experience? Are these images evidence of contact by a space fairing race of beings? In the Atlantium continuum the answer is YES. Artifacts and ancient texts are surfacing that suggest that the world 50,000 to 12,000 years ago was far different from today. The world was host to super technology and served as an inter-galactic spaceport. Just as today we have people who live in the modern sophistication of large metropolitan cities while African bushmen live in primitive grass huts. This same juxtaposition could have existed in the ancient world, primitive outlanders could have come in contact with these visitors and would have been awestruck. This truly would have seemed like a Dream. Atlantium. Roc Hatfield/Author